Multi Account Configuration

Multi Account Configuration Tutorial

AWS Organizations

The plugin supports discovery of AWS Accounts via AWS Organizations. This means that as Accounts get added or removed from your organization, it will be able to handle new or removed accounts without any configuration changes.

kind: source
  name: aws
  registry: github
  path: cloudquery/aws
  version: "v12.2.1"
  tables: ['*']
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
    aws_debug: false
        local_profile: "<NAMED_PROFILE>"
      member_role_name: OrganizationAccountAccessRole
      - '*'

Prerequisites for using AWS Org functionality:

  1. Have a role (or user) in an Admin account with the following access:
  • organizations:ListAccounts
  • organizations:ListAccountsForParent
  • organizations:ListChildren
  1. Have a role in each member account that has a trust policy with a single principal. The default profile name is OrganizationAccountAccessRole. More information can be found here (opens in a new tab), including how to create the role if it doesn't already exist in your account.

Configuring AWS Organization:

  1. It is always necessary to specify a member role name:

          member_role_name: OrganizationAccountAccessRole
  2. Sourcing credentials that have the necessary organizations permissions can be done in any of the following ways:

    1. Source credentials from the default credential tool chain:

            member_role_name: OrganizationAccountAccessRole
    2. Source credentials from a named profile in the shared configuration or credentials file

            member_role_name: OrganizationAccountAccessRole
              local_profile: <Named-Profile>
    3. Assume a role in admin account using credentials in the shared configuration or credentials file:

            member_role_name: OrganizationAccountAccessRole
              local_profile: <Named-Profile>
              role_arn: arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<ROLE_NAME>
              # Optional. Specify the name of the session 
              # role_session_name: ""
              # Optional. Specify the ExternalID if required for trust policy 
              # external_id: ""
  3. Optional. If the trust policy configured for the member accounts requires different credentials than you configured in the previous step, then you can specify the credentials to use in the member_trusted_principal block:

          member_role_name: OrganizationAccountAccessRole
            local_profile: <Named-Profile-Member>
  4. Optional. If you want to specify specific Organizational Units to fetch from you can add them to the organization_units list.

          member_role_name: OrganizationAccountAccessRole
            - ou-<ID-1>
            - ou-<ID-2>

    Child OUs will also be included. To skip a child OU or account, use the skip_organization_units or skip_member_accounts options respectively:

          member_role_name: OrganizationAccountAccessRole
            - ou-<ID-1>
            - ou-<ID-2>
            - ou-<ID-3>
            - <ACCOUNT_ID>

Note that in AWS plugin versions before v9.0.0, child OUs were not traversed when specifying an OU, and skip_organization_units and skip_member_accounts were not supported. These options are only available in v9.0.0 and above, and child OUs are now traversed by default.

Arguments for Org block

See AWS org configuration for more information on all the arguments in the org block.

Multi Account: Specific Accounts

CloudQuery can fetch from multiple accounts in parallel by using AssumeRole (You will need to use credentials that can AssumeRole to all other specified accounts). Below is an example configuration:

  - id: <AccountID_Alias_1>
    role_arn: <YOUR_ROLE_ARN_1>
    # Optional. Local Profile is the named profile in your shared configuration file (usually `~/.aws/config`) that you want to use for this specific account
    local_profile: <NAMED_PROFILE>
    # Optional. Specify the Role Session name
    role_session_name: ""
  - id: <AccountID_Alias_2>
    local_profile: provider
    # Optional. Role ARN we want to assume when accessing this account
    role_arn: <YOUR_ROLE_ARN_2>

Arguments for Accounts block

See AWS accounts configuration for more information on all the arguments in the accounts block.